
We’re excited that you (or someone you know) is considering being baptized. We believe baptism is the ordinance God gave us where a person announces to the world that he or she has accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. It is only to be done by those who have verbally expressed this decision to follow Jesus and it is a prerequisite for both taking the Lord’s Supper and being a member of the church.
To learn more about Cornerstone’s perspective on baptism, please click on the button below:
What do I need to do to be baptized?
The first thing you need to do when considering being baptized is to make sure you truly understand and have accepted the free gift of eternal life given to us by Jesus. Please feel free to reach out to the church immediately if you have any questions about this.
We believe it is vitally important that you understand what you are doing when you get baptized, so we have developed a short “Preparing for Baptism” booklet that we want you to complete before you are baptized.
This booklet covers salvation, baptism, the Lord’s supper, and Christian growth. It explains what we believe as a church and what are expectations are from you once you have been baptized.
Once you complete this booklet, please turn it in to the welcome desk on Sunday or drop it off at the church office anytime during the week. After we receive your completed “Preparing for Baptism” booklet, we will contact you to set-up a time to talk to an elder.
To download a copy of the “Preparing for Baptism” booklet, please click the button below:
When can I be baptized?
Cornerstone offers regular baptism services. We will advertise these services online, in the worship guide, and in various other places. Currently, our next scheduled baptism service is:
February 16th
In order to have time to complete the “Preparing for Baptism” booklet and have an interview with an elder or staff member, you will need to turn in your completed “ for Baptism” booklet at least one week before the scheduled baptism. WE DO NOT BAPTIZE PEOPLE UNTIL WE HAVE THE COMPLETED BOOKLET.
If you are inviting family and friends to your baptism, please make sure that you have been approved for baptism prior to inviting anyone to the service. Baptism is an extremely important component of your faith and obedience to Jesus—we want to make sure prior to your baptism that you I understand the significance of this event.