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Foreign Missionaries
Ben & ashley

Ben and Ashley have recently begun a new ministry in Southeast Asia.  They will be working along side their other ministry partners to reach an unreached people group.  Please visit here if you would like to more about Ben and Ashley.  Please use 040167 when prompted.

Kaycee Gateley

Kaycee will be serving in Northern Japan alongside a small Japanese church to facilitate growth and encourage local believers. There is a deep need for discipleship and authentic connection among the Japanese. To support Kaycee, please visit SIM.

foreign missions
local missions
Local Missions


STEP is a youth mentoring program first started by Cornerstone in association with several other churches.  Through STEP believers will grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ as they engage in the lives of children. The children will be influenced by their mentors to strengthen their faith, establish traditional family values, and create hope for the future living a life that honors God.

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IFO seeks to help international students living in central Arkansas make the transition.  Through fostering relationships, IFO allows the love of Christ to flow across cultural borders right here in Central Arkansas. 

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The CALL is a faith based organization with a vision of "no waiting children in foster care in Arkansas."  The CALL's mission os to educate, equip and encourage the Christian community to provide a future and a hope for children in foster care in Arkansas.  Each month, Cornerstone works with the CALL to help train believers looking to foster children.

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union rescue mission

Union Rescue Mission a place of refuge for the abused, recovery for the addicted, and rescue for the hopeless through the transforming love of Jesus Christ. We primarily work with Nehemiah House (men) and Dorcas House (women).

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Our House seeks to meet the needs of Central Arkansas’s working homeless population.  Cornerstone partners with Our House occasionally preparing and serving meals.

Angel's choice haven

Angel's Choice Haven is temporary housing for expectant mothers to live during the adoption process.  Each mom will receive counseling, financial assistance, legal assistance and lots of love. The mission of the Haven is to provide a safe place for mothers to live while obtaining the goal of getting back on their feet. 


Immerse is building an expansive pathway to healing by surrounding youth from crisis with unconditional relationships, tools that anticipate their needs and dreams, and a vision for their restored future. 

Little Free Pantry

Cornerstone has a little free pantry available to those who have a need for some basic supplies.  We try to keep it stocked regularly.  To see a list of suggested items, please click on the icon.

Compassion center

The Little Rock Compassion Center, Inc. is an inner-city mission focused on a ministry of hope to those experiencing homelessness, hunger, and those who are displaced and under-resourced in the Little Rock area.  To learn more about the center, click here.

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deeper still

Deeper Still seeks to help both women and men heal from the devastation of abortion.  Deeper Still offers regular retreats to allow people to work through issues surrounding abortion.  To learn more, click here.

Mission Trips
Mission trips
South Dakota 

Each year, ONE student ministries leads a group of both adults and teens to South Dakota to work with the Lakota Native American tribe.  As the trip approaches, you can sign-up and stay up to date by visiting the ONE student ministries page.

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This coming January, we will be taking a team to Belize to continue our relationship with WGO and the churches there. If you would like to sign-up, please click on the picture.

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We are sending a team to support our missionary, Kaycee Gateley. Please be praying for this small team as they prepare to go and serve missionaries and their families.

7351 Warden Rd.

Sherwood, AR 72120


(501) 835-0860  

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00AM - 2:00PM 


Sunday Services:  

9:00 AM: Worship Service | Preschool 10:30 AM Worship Service: Preschool | Elementary

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Cornerstone Bible Fellowship

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